Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Re: [Vegetarianslimming] I've been thinking - very long

I have my special water bottle with me at all times.
Water is water, drinks are drinks.

-------Original Message-------

From: Haras
Date: 5/5/2009 11:04:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Vegetarianslimming] I've been thinking - very long

One idea on the water: limit what other beverages you allow yourself to
drink. I don't let myself have more than one (okay, sometimes two) flavored
beverages in a day. Then I get thirsty and have to have water because I
don't give myself other options.

As for coffee, one problem you might have is that it's hard to brew only one
cup of coffee at a time. Have you considered getting a small French press?
They're not too expensive, and it'll lower how much coffee you make yourself
in the morning.

These days I have diet/lifestyle commitment issues, and therefore weight
issues, but the water thing was easier to make into a habit than I thought
it would be.

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Audrey Z Burrows <quiltbug@sympatico

> I've been doing some thinking today. Did everyone hear the gears grinding
> and the dreadful burning smell?
> I was trying to figure out what works for me and why I stopped doing it.
> What works for me
> Daily Food Journal - writing it down BEFORE it goes into my mouth so I
> actually have to have a second thought about it. It sure cuts down on
> impulse eating if I have to come down here and write it down. Yes, I
> the journal away from the kitchen so that I have a trip to make to write
> down. At my age, I'm liable to come down here to write something down
> not think of going back up for an hour. I can't pass the computer or the
> sewing machine without sitting down and doing something.
> Menu planning - usually just daily but often 2 or 3 days at a time. I buy
> veggies several times a week so do the menus when I see what looks good at
> the store.
> Drinking water - the more water I drink, the less I eat and the more the
> weight comes off.
> Exercise - Walking for an hour every morning or working out to a DVD in
> winter time.
> Less Coffee
> So why am I not doing these things?
> I've been thinking and I'm not happy with what I've come up with. I get
> early in the morning - usually around 5 but often earlier. I put on the
> coffee pot, turn on the computer and then spend an hour doing email,
> blogs and drinking coffee. It's still dark when I get up and by the time
> it's light and I can go for my morning walk, I've either lost interest in
> going out, have forgotten that I was going to to or I've had too much
> coffee and can't walk too far from the bathroom. these are nothing but
> excuses!!!
> the food journal got boring so did the menu planning. That's another
> excuse.
> I never think of drinking water. I have to have a reminder in front of me
> or I don't do it. I will fill my bottle in the morning and often at night
> it is still sitting where I left it after filling it.
> so what am I going to do?
> I'm going to work at changing my morning routine. I'll still get my hour
> on the computer but I'm not going to make coffee until I've been for a
> If I can't have coffee until I get my exercise, you can be sure I'll get
> out and pound the pavement to earn a cup of java. these days it's light
> well before 6 so I won't have to wait too long.
> I'm going to make coffee in the one cup machine instead of the 4 cup one.
> I'm going to resurrect my food journal form which includes a space for
> water consumption as well as exercise and start filling it in.
> I'm going to take the time to sort out the 100s of recipes I own and start
> planning more interesting meals.
> I can do this with a bit of preplanning.
> Audrey
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