Friday, June 3, 2011

Re: [Vegetarianslimming] Re: E.coli


Yea, just keep a reliable news source, Cassie, and don't take any unnecessary chances. That's what I would do, just try and be as informed as possible. You can still enjoy the atmosphere and experience of the markets and just grab a baked good or something, too. PS, have a great time!!
Hopefully they will pinpoint the cause soon.
We have produce issue outbreaks, including E.coli, sometimes here in California. It turns out most of the time the contaminated product turns up far from home/in other states rather than locally. I think the chances of a small contamination growing into something major is heavily increased when there is transportation and storage involved. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was a non-local source, though the German government shouldn't be so quick to blame without proper study and proof. Plus that doesn't solve the problem! Another reason to buy as local as possible. 

--- On Fri, 6/3/11, Lila <> wrote:

From: Lila <>
Subject: [Vegetarianslimming] Re: E.coli
Date: Friday, June 3, 2011, 12:43 AM


18 people have died so far, either Germans or people who've visited Germany recently. But far more are seriously ill.

The German authorities do not yet know what caused the illness. They blamed Spanish cucumbers without proper investigation so now Spanish farmers and other salad-growers are suffering because of course people won't buy their produce.

You need to look up E.coli in a news site and go on looking regularly as obviously the situation will change from day to day.


--- In, Cassie Dixon <roxy87cabriolet@...> wrote:


> I'll be traveling to multiple european countries this summer. What is the extent of this, since we'll be cruising, and I'm pretty strict as to eating many raw vegatables and mostly-vegan meals...

> I'm getting worried I won't be able to enjoy the markets in Spain, France, and Italy.


> Cassie

> "life's a garden, dig it!"


> Sent from my iPhone


> On Jun 2, 2011, at 9:47 AM, "Lila" <lila060506@...> wrote:


> Very worrying that the Germans haven't found the source of this latest outbreak yet.


> I was in Germany a few weeks ago and had fresh raw salad every day, and of course when you are out or away from home you can't wash it all yourself. Luckily no-one was ill then, or at least no illnesses were reported.


> I've been washing most of my fruit and veg with soapy water and rinsing in boiling water ... can't do that with lettuce, wonder whether to cook it?


> Lila





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