Tuesday, February 2, 2010

DRAGON - Re: [Vegetarianslimming] Aaargh!!! Can't be right!


Hi Dragon,
I wouldn't be too alarmed` if I were you.  That's a huge change for such a short time and it must be something other than food which caused that big weight difference. Were you weighed on the same scales, at the same time of day and wearing the same clothes both times?  All these things can have a big influence on the numbers you see.
On a slightly different tack, how are you getting along with your 'homework' from the dietitian?  You said he was keen for you to start looking at some underlying factors relating to your thoughts about food.  Did he ask you to keep some sort of diary or are you just doing some industrial strength thinking before reporting back to him?  It seems like a very good approach to tackling the problem at the cause.  I'm sure we all know what and how we should be eating to regain our health.  Knowing is one thing but even more important ( and, for many of us, more difficult) is being able to apply that knowledge on a daily basis.  By examining what I think your dietitian referred to as your 'relationship with food' you will be acquiring information and insight to enable you to follow the dietary advice you will be given.
Cheers from Marie

--- On Tue, 2/2/10, The Dragon <dragonsteeluk@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:


I weighed in at the surgery this morning and nearly passed out! There is no way under the Goddesses green earth can I have put on 3.5 kg in 4 flipping days! That's 7 pounds or over a pound a day!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



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