Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Re: [Vegetarianslimming] I've been thinking - very long

Oh Audrey, I laughed at your post because all I can say is ditto ditto and
more dittos.
I too do almost the same thing you do down to the computer time, journal
location, and coffee.
I read my email and attend an online OA meeting while drinking 1 big cup of
coffee in the morning, have a bowl of oats and a banana, take my meds and I
do drink 20oz of water right then and there.
Wait 30 minutes and go for a 1-2 mile walk, come back and get the house
cleaned, and then its time for Y&R, and more computer time, or crocheting on
my hexagon afghan now.
I do have a journal and to get me write in it more, I bought myself the most
beautiful pink pen with pink ink. I seem to write more with pink.
Meals are a 1 day at a time around here. What ever I fancy at the moment,
but always healthy and meatless.
Tonight a loaded baked potato with peaches on the side.

My problem is night time snacking, I can't stop once I start.

As a side note


I would say 1/2 my weight is M&Ms. I miss my little colorful babies.

-------Original Message-------

From: Audrey Z Burrows
Date: 5/5/2009 5:00:12 PM
To: Vegetarianslimming@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vegetarianslimming] I've been thinking - very long

I've been doing some thinking today. Did everyone hear the gears grinding
and the dreadful burning smell?

I was trying to figure out what works for me and why I stopped doing it.

What works for me

Daily Food Journal - writing it down BEFORE it goes into my mouth so I
actually have to have a second thought about it. It sure cuts down on
impulse eating if I have to come down here and write it down. Yes, I keep
the journal away from the kitchen so that I have a trip to make to write it
down. At my age, I'm liable to come down here to write something down and
not think of going back up for an hour. I can't pass the computer or the
sewing machine without sitting down and doing something.

Menu planning - usually just daily but often 2 or 3 days at a time. I buy
veggies several times a week so do the menus when I see what looks good at
the store.

Drinking water - the more water I drink, the less I eat and the more the
weight comes off.

Exercise - Walking for an hour every morning or working out to a DVD in the
winter time.

Less Coffee

So why am I not doing these things?

I've been thinking and I'm not happy with what I've come up with. I get up
early in the morning - usually around 5 but often earlier. I put on the
coffee pot, turn on the computer and then spend an hour doing email, reading
blogs and drinking coffee. It's still dark when I get up and by the time it
s light and I can go for my morning walk, I've either lost interest in
going out, have forgotten that I was going to to or I've had too much
coffee and can't walk too far from the bathroom. these are nothing but

the food journal got boring so did the menu planning. That's another excuse

I never think of drinking water. I have to have a reminder in front of me
or I don't do it. I will fill my bottle in the morning and often at night
it is still sitting where I left it after filling it.

so what am I going to do?

I'm going to work at changing my morning routine. I'll still get my hour in
on the computer but I'm not going to make coffee until I've been for a walk.
If I can't have coffee until I get my exercise, you can be sure I'll get
out and pound the pavement to earn a cup of java. these days it's light
well before 6 so I won't have to wait too long.

I'm going to make coffee in the one cup machine instead of the 4 cup one.

I'm going to resurrect my food journal form which includes a space for water
consumption as well as exercise and start filling it in.

I'm going to take the time to sort out the 100s of recipes I own and start
planning more interesting meals.

I can do this with a bit of preplanning.


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