Monday, June 22, 2009

Re: [Vegetarianslimming] good food for hot times

Oh, I love my wok too! I use it for all styles and sorts of food. I just love the deep,wideness of it. :-)

I found WW to be very vegetarian friendly as well when I was doing it Trish.

And a belated welcome to our group to you!! Nice to have you on board. Feel free to share any low point meals you make that the group might enjoy too!


--- On Mon, 6/22/09, bantrymoon <> wrote:

From: bantrymoon <>
Subject: [Vegetarianslimming] good food for hot times
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 9:12 AM

One of my favorite cooking tools is my wok. Asian foods are just a

start. They're great for everything from braising collards to tossing

together a pasta dish. Everything cooks quickly, making it perfect for


My diet plan, Weight Watchers is fine with pasta. You just have to

control your portions. Another great thing about WW is they've

recognized that all calories are not equal, and if you eat whole grain

pasta it requires fewer "points" than white flour stuff.

One cup of cooked whole wheat pasta is really a pretty good amount. So,

I take whatever veggies I've got, and tomatoes are wonderful for this. I

wipe a small amount of oil on the wok and saute the veggies. For summer,

a good mix might be scallions, garlic, tomatoes, parsley and peppers.

Saute them, then add a cup of cooked pasta. I usually add some kind of

protein, anything from tempeh to a meat analog. You can make a large

plate of food that's very satisfying for a minimum of calories.

I just top with salt and freshly ground pepper, but I'm vegan. The

vegetarians might want to top with some grated parmesan.

This is one of those dishes that transcends borders. Use cabbage and soy

sauce, and you can call it Lo Mein. Use macaroni, eat it cold, and you

can call it pasta salad. Lots of tomatoes and garlic, and it's pasta

verano. You can make any number of dishes with vegetables, noodles and a


I use a traditional rolled steel wok, and it's one of the best pots ever.



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