Hi Dragon,
I'm so sorry things aren't heading in the right direction at the moment. I have a great Idea - what if I come to England later this month to cheer you up? (LOL)
All jokes aside, feeling the way you feel at the moment is no laughing matter and I really do understand it isn't something you can simply shrug off. When I am feeling down I often lie back in an easy chair, close my eyes and listen to some beautiful music - 'The Lark Ascending' by Vaughan Williams, a Mahler symphony or a Mozart piano concerto are perfect for me but I know they wouldn't work for everyone. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with some music which will do the trick for you.
Apart from that, all I can suggest is that you try to add some complex carbs to your diet as I have read they help increase serotonin levels which, in turn, help combat depression. I must say here that I have not researched this subject fully and i am only passing on what I have read in a couple of articles.
Of course if you can't keep your food down, eating anything is going to prove difficult. I hope this feeling passes soon and that you will be start to feel properly rested and relaxed.
Big hugs and special thoughts from Marie
I've been up half an hour, burst out crying twice, thrown up once ('cos of crying) and (sorry make that twice!) thinking about going back to bed - either sleep my life away or dry roasted, that's how hacked off with myself I am
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