Sunday, January 29, 2012

[Vegetarianslimming] Discussion: Gleaning


Have any you of done any gleaning? This is when you go pick up leftover crops that the farmers leave behind or foraging for food.
This past fall my housemate and I gleaned a couple grocery bags worth of processing tomatoes that were looked over during harvest. We broke them down and made a basic sauce and froze it in small/individual containers for future use. We also ran across some wild olive trees in an area we walk the dogs and gathered a bag full of olives. She cured them herself and served them as part of  Christmas dinner. So very tasty! We hope to pick more next time we're up there.
I'm not sure what the legal ramifications of gleaning is and it may be outlawed in some areas but I live in such a large agricultural area and so much food goes to waste. Well, I supposed it gets turned over and used as some of the nutrients for future crops, but why not utilize it for food?
I look forward to more gleaning and foraging  this year.

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