Monday, December 26, 2011

Re: [Vegetarianslimming] Vegetarian Vegetable Bouillon Cubes with only healthy ingredients?


I have never used bouillon cubes before. I use organic vegetable stock. I can't remember the brand name, but it has about 8 ingredients and I'd say 6 are while foods :)).
Benefit of using cubes versus straight broth????

"life's a garden, dig it!"

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On Dec 26, 2011, at 2:11 PM, Cindi <> wrote:

Hi Angel,
I usually use Better than Bouillon when I need veggie stock and don't have any homemade around.
Not sure if it has too many ingredients for your liking but wanted to share! :-)
We laugh a lot. That's for sure. Sure beats the alternative, doesn't it?
-- Betty White

--- On Mon, 12/26/11, angelplus <> wrote:

From: angelplus <>
Subject: [Vegetarianslimming] Vegetarian Vegetable Bouillon Cubes with only healthy ingredients?
Date: Monday, December 26, 2011, 8:29 AM

Many bouillon cubes contain not only an inordinate amount of sodium but MSG as well. And then as an added bonus they throw in some hydrogenated oil. Is there any brands of Vegetarian Vegetable Bouillon Cubes with only healthy ingredients?

I have made Vegetable Bouillon from scratch. However, I would still like to use Vegetarian Vegetable Bouillon Cubes at times. Provided I can find some with only healthy ingredients

Thanks in advance


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