Hello Mary, welcome.
--- In Vegetarianslimming@yahoogroups.com, Cindi <cindi93069@...> wrote:
> Please welcome Mary to the group, everyone.Cindi
> good morning.....thanks for allowing me to join you.....my answers to the questionaire are :.....my name is mary.....i'm neither a vegitarian or a vegan.....i don't need to lose weight.....my husband and i and our two dogs live in the mountains in northern new mexico ( usa ).....what i'm hoping to gain from the group is a helping hand in learning about how to use soy products like tofu and tvp and grains in our diet.....no, i've never been a member of this group before.....peace, mary
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Monday, October 31, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Re: From new member, Mary
Sunday, October 30, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] From new member, Mary
Please welcome Mary to the group, everyone.Cindi
good morning.....thanks for allowing me to join you.....my answers to the questionaire are :.....my name is mary.....i'm neither a vegitarian or a vegan.....i don't need to lose weight.....my husband and i and our two dogs live in the mountains in northern new mexico ( usa ).....what i'm hoping to gain from the group is a helping hand in learning about how to use soy products like tofu and tvp and grains in our diet.....no, i've never been a member of this group before.....peace, mary
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Friday, October 28, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Re: Newbie Intro: I am a newcomer to this group.
Re: [Vegetarianslimming] Newbie Intro: I am a newcomer to this group.
Welcome! I am celebrating my 5 th year of being a vegetarian/part-time vegan.
My 5 year old daughter is also a vegetarian :)). My husband is willing to try all my veg meals, he just adds a piece of animal to his servings, (which he is in charge of buying and cooking).
With all of the info about why less animal protein is best and why a colorful diet of fruits, grains, and vegetables is sooo very important, it shocks me that people still choose their meat and potatoes and mac-n-cheese as a meal. I'm also shocked at the drive thru line of McDonalds and Dairy Queen. Haven't been to McDs in 5 years, and fast food to me is a container of seeds and mixed nuts and maybe a Luna bar :)). Though, it's not far between that I'll risk eating a big salad while driving, too! Lol
I started my husband on a healthier lifestyle and coming around to eating what I wanted to eat, I used crumbes, faux ground beef, in almost every meal. It was pretty unhealthy, eating processed soy every night, but it helped him realize we wouldn't be eating broccoli an lentil casserole every night. He really liked it, and now that I'm soy free, he usually asks me to make the crumbles on the side for him :). I'll gladly make that over cow any day!
Best of luck to you and your mom. Do you have a weight loss goal in mind or just clearing those arteries now? I'm working on 8-10 stubborn pounds.
I run 3 miles 2-3 times a week, I take Yoga classes 4 times a week, I teach Yoga to children 4 times a week, and i teach 1 adult Yoga class a week. I also have that 5 year old to chase around ;)). I feel my activity level is high, so now I focus on my eating habits more. I have larger eyes than my stomach and I mindlessly eat (especially in front of the tv). Trying to be mindfull about those two now.
Welcome to the group!
"life's a garden, dig it!"
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 27, 2011, at 3:12 PM, "angelplus" <angelplus@yahoo.com> wrote:
My mother and I are 2 weeks into being FatFree Vegans. We are following the Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease book by Caldwell B. Esselsty. Is anyone else following this book?
My spouse eats meat, potatoes, pasta and beans. No other vegetables, no fruits. He has been this way all of his life. He does not even want to try any vegetables or fruit. Hoping to find recipes, tips and ideas to entice my spouse to eat vegetables and fruit.
Newbie Intro: I am a newcomer to this group.
Blessing to you, Angel
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Newbie Intro: I am a newcomer to this group.
My mother and I are 2 weeks into being FatFree Vegans. We are following the Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease book by Caldwell B. Esselsty. Is anyone else following this book?
My spouse eats meat, potatoes, pasta and beans. No other vegetables, no fruits. He has been this way all of his life. He does not even want to try any vegetables or fruit. Hoping to find recipes, tips and ideas to entice my spouse to eat vegetables and fruit.
Newbie Intro: I am a newcomer to this group.
Blessing to you, Angel
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Re: After Holidays
Much better than nothing. I'd expected to gain a few pounds on holiday.
--- In Vegetarianslimming@yahoogroups.com, Cindi <cindi93069@...> wrote:
> Better than nothing!
Re: [Vegetarianslimming] Re: After Holidays
Better than nothing! I'm steadily dropping a pound here and there. Mostly due to more exercise (commuting by bicycle 6 miles a day during the week). Not losing as much as I'd hoped but my clothes are fitting a lot looser and I've tightened up my belt two notches so I'll take those as good signs.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
-- Marcel Proust
--- On Tue, 10/25/11, Lila <lila060506@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
From: Lila <lila060506@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: [Vegetarianslimming] Re: After Holidays
To: Vegetarianslimming@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 3:40 AM
I lost half a pound.
In spite of hols and 5 glasses of wine.
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[Vegetarianslimming] Re: After Holidays
I lost half a pound.
In spite of hols and 5 glasses of wine.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Re: [Vegetarianslimming] Re: Has anyone tried the Rice Diet?
That¹s for those who do the live-in program. I¹m asking if anyone here has
tried the home based program.
On 20/10/11 7:10 PM, "Lila" <lila060506@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I googled it and found this:
> "Patients are carefully monitored daily by a caring staff of medical
> professionals. Progressive classes and workshops taught by medical staff,
> registered dietitians, therapists, exercise physiologists, certified stress
> management instructors and other health care professionals are designed to
> equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make lasting lifestyle
> changes."
> Sounds very demanding.
> Well, I suppose they must be ill, not just overweight, as they are called
> "patients".
> Lila
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[Vegetarianslimming] Re: After Holidays
Just came back from an all-included holiday in France.
(The food wasn't very French though, but at least they had veggie options.)
I am sure I've gained weight, will find out tomorrow, but it doesn't matter because I know that I can lose holiday weight in a few days. If I really try.
[Vegetarianslimming] Re: Has anyone tried the Rice Diet?
I googled it and found this:
"Patients are carefully monitored daily by a caring staff of medical professionals. Progressive classes and workshops taught by medical staff, registered dietitians, therapists, exercise physiologists, certified stress management instructors and other health care professionals are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make lasting lifestyle changes."
Sounds very demanding.
Well, I suppose they must be ill, not just overweight, as they are called "patients".
Thursday, October 13, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Has anyone tried the Rice Diet?
I¹m just wondering if any of you have ever tried the Rice Diet? If so I¹d
like to hear of your experience with it, thanks.
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Saturday, October 8, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Re: Weightwatchers
I think I might as well give up going there and just weigh in at a chemist's, but not every week.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
[Vegetarianslimming] Re: Weightwatchers
No, it isn't a small town, there are plenty of WW groups in/round London, but it would take me too long to get to another group regularly.
I'm sure I could find capers, if I tried.
--- In Vegetarianslimming@yahoogroups.com, janet5757@... wrote:
> Sorry to hear that, Lila. I know what it's like to live in a small-town area with few choices. Sometimes when people online talk about more urban lifestyles, I get very jealous! We don't have many stores here, and what we have aren't very sophisticated. (I joke about trying to buy capers when I first moved here, and the grocery store manager didn't know what they were...) But we do adjust, and make do, don't we?
> Janet
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lila" <lila060506@...>
> No, it isn't because I'm a vegetarian.
> Basically it's because I don't do as I'm told.
> I don't think I am more outspoken than the others.
> If there were another meeting near me I'd change, but she and her friends run all the local meetings so I'd have to travel quite a long way to find another.
> Lila